Unofficial Results Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Minnesota Statewide Reporting Statistics |
Eligible Population: 4,285,809 | Estimated Voters: 3,272,414 | Estimated Turnout: 76.35% |
Counties Reporting: 87 of 87 | Counties Complete: 87 | |
Precincts Reporting in State: 100% 4,103 of 4,103 | Last Updated: 01/27/25 3:28 PM | Voters Registered at 7AM: 3,686,596 |
County Name | Percent Precincts Reporting | Estimated Voters |
Aitkin |
10,490 |
Anoka |
211,552 |
Becker |
19,844 |
Beltrami |
25,043 |
Benton |
22,945 |
Big Stone |
2,854 |
Blue Earth |
36,628 |
Brown |
14,702 |
Carlton |
20,904 |
Carver |
69,565 |
Cass |
19,441 |
Chippewa |
6,351 |
Chisago |
35,724 |
Clay |
33,047 |
Clearwater |
4,833 |
Cook |
3,683 |
Cottonwood |
6,089 |
Crow Wing |
42,612 |
Dakota |
261,161 |
Dodge |
12,554 |
Douglas |
25,230 |
Faribault |
7,808 |
Fillmore |
12,459 |
Freeborn |
16,795 |
Goodhue |
28,949 |
Grant |
3,577 |
Hennepin |
724,543 |
Houston |
11,492 |
Hubbard |
13,672 |
Isanti |
26,029 |
Itasca |
26,993 |
Jackson |
5,693 |
Kanabec |
9,740 |
Kandiyohi |
23,437 |
Kittson |
2,518 |
Koochiching |
6,838 |
Lac Qui Parle |
4,019 |
Lake |
6,977 |
Lake Of The Woods |
2,368 |
Le Sueur |
17,557 |
Lincoln |
3,261 |
Lyon |
13,059 |
Mcleod |
21,314 |
Mahnomen |
2,208 |
Marshall |
5,062 |
Martin |
10,848 |
Meeker |
13,774 |
Mille Lacs |
15,256 |
Morrison |
20,438 |
Mower |
19,066 |
Murray |
4,806 |
Nicollet |
19,515 |
Nobles |
8,349 |
Norman |
3,322 |
Olmsted |
91,500 |
Otter Tail |
36,941 |
Pennington |
7,442 |
Pine |
17,004 |
Pipestone |
4,879 |
Polk |
15,540 |
Pope |
7,260 |
Ramsey |
279,414 |
Red Lake |
2,141 |
Redwood |
8,384 |
Renville |
8,117 |
Rice |
36,587 |
Rock |
5,398 |
Roseau |
8,562 |
St. Louis |
119,685 |
Scott |
90,668 |
Sherburne |
58,217 |
Sibley |
8,592 |
Stearns |
87,499 |
Steele |
20,992 |
Stevens |
5,168 |
Swift |
5,080 |
Todd |
13,787 |
Traverse |
1,817 |
Wabasha |
13,588 |
Wadena |
8,094 |
Waseca |
10,457 |
Washington |
170,408 |
Watonwan |
4,969 |
Wilkin |
3,378 |
Winona |
27,971 |
Wright |
90,442 |
Yellow Medicine |
5,439 |